Anticipations was created for a group art show called “ANTICS“. This is one of six animated GIFs created for the project, which was shown in a grid pattern on a monitor in the gallery space. All were roughed out in Flash, with the clean-up being done in Photoshop. The original layout can be seen here, or click through to see the remaining images. (Warning, one of them is vaguely NSFW.)
May 2nd, 2015
November 23rd, 2014This was written for Cloudscape Comics‘ upcoming animal-and-kid-themed anthology, “Megafauna”. It’s the first time we’ve done an entire anthology with all-ages friendly content! I haven’t seen all the stories yet, but from what I’ve seen there’s a lot of really strong work. This is the first comic I’ve done for a Cloudscape book for a couple years, and I’m really excited to be a part of it! Pages 2-9 are after the cut.

Moon Animate, Make Up! Sailor Venus!
April 20th, 2014I participated in the Moon Animate, Make Up! project. This was the shot I was given. I decided to make Sailor Venus look a little less like a willowy alien, and a little more like a normal human. Animation takes forever! I’d kinda forgotten.
This is basically the first personal piece of animation I’ve done in years, and it took literally two months of my free time (which, admittedly, is not terribly abundant) to do. Next time: cartoonier.

May 1st, 2013
Doodle Chain #1
February 10th, 2013This was me playing around with the Stumpy Pencil plugin for Photoshop. It was meant to be the first of a series of ‘jam’ pieces done with a couple of my friends, but that sorta fizzled. Hopefully we pick it up again.