This is my friend King. A lot of people got good drawings out of this pose. All King got was a sore leg, I think.
King Stands
December 28th, 2008Sketch Medley 1
December 28th, 2008Just a bunch of doodles.
“The New Aesthetics” (those three blue-pencil characters – the bass player is not pictured) is the hippest band in the world. Naturally, the girl is the drummer. I made them up while I was in a sickness-induced delerium in Ethiopia. I think they would sound a little bit like These Arms Are Snakes, only faster.
I wanted to make a silkscreened t-shirt from that dude with his thumb on his nose (the shirt would be yellow, the dude would be red, and the parallelograms would be blue) – but then I decided that there were more important and less wasteful things to do than make cool shirts.
Sketch Medley 2
December 28th, 2008These doodles were all made from life. The guy with the sunglasses is poet bill bissett. He was reading “cooking carrot soup“. The guy lounging on the couch reading Scott Pilgrim is my brother.
December 28th, 2008Just a doodle from my sketchbook. A lot of reptile brain work went into the background, I think.
December 28th, 2008This was done for a weekly sketch thinger. Yes, I know Vikings historically didn’t have horns on their helmets – but it’s so intimidating! Don’t look too closely at the way he’s leaning on that sword. If you do, you’ll notice that he’s not actually applying any weight to it. Oops.
Also, I don’t know why I signed it in the corner. Boring.