Chris’ Vegan Chili

March 10th, 2009
Ink on Bristol

Ink on Bristol

This was another project for the Shy Artist Society – this time it was a recipe share.  Since the only kind of food I ever make on a regular basis is the easy kind, I chose chili.  I designed this recipe as a one-page mini-comic, except my conversational writing took up far more space than I had planned – so there aren’t many pictures.  You can get a full-sized printable version of the comic here.  Instructions for folding and cutting it can be found here.

2 Responses to “Chris’ Vegan Chili”

  1. [...] the “making food” side of things, Christopher Leinonen has a recipe for Vegan Chili available, created for the Shy Artist Society as part of a recipe share. The drawings don’t [...]

  2. nupcias says:

    ¡Me encanta este post!
    Leo tu blog muy a menudo y siempre ofreces grandes textos.

    Lo compartí en Facebook y a mis seguidores les encantó.

    ¡Seguid con el buen trabajo!

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